Radio’s Warmth For Alaska


Alpha Media, Alaska, station KAYO-FM 100.9 FM in Wasilla, Alaska, can take a bow: they collected 3,000 pounds of food for Frontline Mission on Saturday, October 27. The Frontline Mission opens its doors to those less fortunate in the area. Roxi Lennox, Kathy Mitchell, and Justin Giles did a three-hour live broadcast from the local 3 Bears Grocery Stores in Wasilla and Palmer, AK. The community came together to reach the goal of 3,000 pounds of food and approximately $1,000 in cash donations.

KAYO Branch Manager, Roxi Lennox commented on the announcement, “We love being a part of this event each year. Our community is so amazingly generous.”


  1. KAYO is located in Olympia, WA. You have their correct logo by your headline. But the story locates the station in Alaska.


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